Serving a Community in Need, in Monte Verde, Intibuca, Honduras

Matt Scheipeter leads a group of students from Kennedy Catholic High School on a service trip to Monte Verde, Intibuca, Honduras each summer to help the local community of Monte Verde. He has lead Kennedy kids on service trips for the past 10 years, and they have been going to Monte Verde, Honduras for the past 7 years.

Matt and the students of Kennedy Catholic have completed many projects for the communities of Honduras. They have constructed ten houses, built three clinics, five libraries, a day care center, water wells, a playground, a coffee co-op, and several residences for older children to live in during the school year if they live far from their school and their family lives in the mountains.

In 2014, they built a maternity clinic for women who live in the mountains of Honduras to travel to. Usually, these women will come to the clinic about two weeks before giving birth and are provided a place to stay and medical care for their newborn. Matt Scheipeter worked closely with Lynda Peters and her medical team in Texas to raise funding for the women’s medical clinic.

They have built a library and school house during their past few visits for the community, as well as bringing needed supplies and donations for the community.

View our photo gallery below.


Hogar Materno (Women’s Clinic)
This clinic was built in 2014 for women who are about to have a baby.


Library in Monte Verde
This project was started in 2010 and was a five year project to complete.


Church in Monte Verde
Throughout the years, Matt and student volunteers have aided in construction on the church and helped fix the roof.


Parish Center Building
In 2015 they worked on a new parish center for visitors and travelers at the church. This picture shows the foundation.


Children’s Playground
Recently Matt and students constructed a playground for the children of Monte Verde.


Building Community
Matt and the student volunteers make lasting friendships with many of the residents of Monte Verde. Many students return year after year to continue help in aiding this community of Honduras.